Some tips to help her wake up every morning easier

To make it easier for you to wake up in the morning, try to establish a habit of doing a few things before you go to bed and aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. In addition, you can also refer to some simple tips to help you get out of bed easier right here.

Good sleep helps you work at full capacity, the mind is always comfortable and relaxed. If you don't get enough sleep, you'll wake up to the start of the day feeling sluggish and looking very lifeless. In the article below, ELLE will reveal some ways to help you wake up early every day in the most comfortable mood, let's refer!

Reasonable rest time

You should get into the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day if you want to have a good sleep schedule. Besides, it also helps you train yourself to get up early in the morning.

You need to arrange your work in the most suitable way to avoid prolonged staying up late making you tired, then early the next day you will hardly be able to get up early. Once you set your sleep-wake schedule, try to stick to it every day, even on days off. Your body will eventually begin to adapt and wake up naturally.

Improve your bedtime habits

Drinking coffee at the end of the day and using blue light-emitting devices before bed can be to blame. You need to get into the habit of not working, not watching movies 30 to 40 minutes before sleeping. To improve your routine, try doing something relaxing before bed, like reading a book or taking a warm bath. At that time, you will sleep better and more deeply and the next day you will not be tired. You should avoid activities that affect your circadian rhythm and cause insomnia, including:

  • Using an electronic device such as a laptop or phone
  • Drink coffee before sleeping
  • Napping too much
  • Using alcohol or stimulants

Besides, you should also avoid going to bed angry or angry because this makes it difficult to sleep. Instead, try to think of the things you get excited about as the day begins so you're motivated to wake up.

Healthy eating mode

A healthy diet contributes to increased energy and helps you sleep better. On the other hand, foods that are often considered unhealthy can make you feel sluggish and drain more energy.

You should aim for a balanced diet full of foods that boost your energy, like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. However, if you eat right before going to bed, the extra energy will be required for your digestive system, your sleep quality will decrease and you will wake up tired the next morning. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid eating before going to bed, to have a good night's sleep and you will feel comfortable when you wake up.

Open the curtain while sleeping

Daylight helps regulate circadian rhythms and improves your sleep. If your body embraces the sunrise on a new day, it can help improve your mood and energy levels for the rest of the day. If the light outside is not too bright at night, open the curtains when you sleep, and if you have a habit of pulling the curtains, try opening the curtains as soon as you wake up. Every morning with sunlight pouring in through the window, it is easier to wake up with a healthier and more alert.

Place your alarm clock away from your bed to make it easier to wake up

Many of you have the habit of regularly putting an alarm clock on the nightstand to make it easier to "turn off the alarm to sleep a few more minutes". However, you should avoid pressing the snooze button of your alarm clock because pressing the snooze button repeatedly will not only change your sleeping habits but also make you tired.

Experts also pointed out that frequently being startled awake by an alarm clock, especially at a close distance, with loud alarms, can cause neurological problems, cause stress, reduce anxiety, and reduce anxiety. sleep quality, high blood pressure. Ideally, you should place the alarm clock away from the bed so that you have to get up to turn off the alarm. That way, you'll avoid pressing the snooze button repeatedly and having to get out of bed to turn off the alarm. You can place the alarm clock on the bookcase, next to the bedroom door or window. However, make sure the watch is placed at a reasonable distance so that you can hear the bell ring.

Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up

This way both energizes and hydrates the body. Put a glass of water by your bedside before you go to bed, or just wake up and grab a glass of water as soon as you get out of bed. Besides, drinking water in the morning as soon as you wake up also helps to lose weight, improve digestion, boost immunity and prevent headaches. In addition, the habit of drinking water right after waking up in the morning will increase body energy levels immediately, helping you feel energized to start a new day.

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